Searching for a Lost Key

The Mulla Nasrudin is a character known in many parts of the world. In Turkey, you can find him as a cartoon character in children stories and joke books. He’s seen as a fool to some and a wise teacher to others. Below is a story of how Nasrudin was once seen searching for a lost key. What do you think the story is trying to tell us? 

A man was walking home late one night when he saw the Mulla Nasrudin searching under a street light on hands and knees for something on the ground. “Mulla, what have you lost?” he asked.

“The key to my house,” Nasrudin said.

“I’ll help you look,” the man said.

Soon, both men were down on their knees, looking for the key.

After a number of minutes, the man asked, “Where exactly did you drop it?”

Nasrudin waved his arm back toward the darkness. “Over there, in my house.”

The first man jumped up. “Then why are you looking for it here?”

“Because there is more light here than inside my house.”