Javy's Books

The Happiness Habit: 30 Daily Practices for Choosing Authentic Happiness (mid-Sept. ’14)
Over 70+ pages, 30+ daily exercises based on the four reminders for a happy life outlined in Authentic Happiness in Seven Emails.
Subscribe to receive a free copy of the book when it’s complete. And feel free to distribute and share to all of your friends and groups.
What a beautiful gift–four simple steps that can end what is so often, and for so many, a futile quest for a truly happy life…This is a simple, practical guide for anyone who’s searching for that elusive state called true happiness.
– John McGrail, Ph.D. Clinical hypnotherapist and author.
– Donald Lynch, Ph.D. Professor of Psychology at Unity College
This easy-to-read work presents instructions, anecdotes, and the findings from many fields to bypass the self-limiting notion that creativity only falls to geniuses and artists. Learn how to think not only more effectively, but altogether differently in service to your own spark of creativity.
– Psychology professor and author Craig Chalquist PhD
Javy Galindo shows us how to… touch that place of wonder and curiosity so prevalent in childhood. He helps us find ways to interrupt the behavior patterns that have crept upon us as we have become properly socialized…This book gives us up to date tools and understanding…
– Clinical psychologist and author Sylvia Lafair PhD